Jacob, can you please describe in greater detail *what* you're trying to
accomplish with your morpheme code? Not *how* you wish to accomplish it,
but *what* the code is supposed to do?

I've looked into other projects that try to model morphemes and similar
language constructs to get a better idea of the problem space (NLTK
<https://www.nltk.org/>, TextBlob <https://textblob.readthedocs.io/en/dev/>,
etc.) and it looks like machine learning is often employed for
morpheme-related tasks. It may be that the rules for identifying and
manipulating morphemes are inherently so complex that they don't lend
themselves to elegant codification. That's usually the case for fields in
which people turn to machine learning.

It may also be a case where functional decomposition would help. The
examples you've given aren't really sufficient to understand the problem.
It could be a legitimate deficiency in Python's feature set, or it may be
that Python already has features that could serve you better, or it may be
that the problem is inherently difficult to codify in an elegant way.

Without a concrete use-case, it's nearly impossible to justify adding a new
feature to Python. This discussion is unlikely to lead to any meaningful
action otherwise.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 4:37 PM, Jacob Solinsky <jacobsolin...@gmail.com>

> So when getx is executed inside a let form, if it tries to read/write the
> value of X it interacts with the X entry in the let form's symbol table
> before moving to find X in the global environment, right? That is similar
> to what I was trying to accomplish in python, but with the local symbol
> table of the calling function rather than a let form.
> I think the way a "jump to" function rather than a "call function" would
> be implemented would be by removing the prologue and epilogue of the
> function's compiled code. Something vaguely like this:
> def foo(a,b):
>     c = bar(d =3)%
>     return c+2
> def bar(d)
>      a += 2
>      e = 4
>      return a + b + d +e
> foo(7, 2)
> Here would be the symbol table
> Scope Foo
> __________
> a: fp - 1
> b: fp - 2
> d: fp - 3
> e: fp - 5
> c: fp - 4
> The interpreter would have to recognize that bar was being jumped to
> rather than called and thus inject bar's arguments and variable
> declarations and return value (if assigned to) into foo's stack frame.
> The translation of the above code would be this (I apologize for the
> strange pseudoassembly, I don't know any of those languages on a more than
> cursory level. The below code is obviously very slow, each variable read
> from the memory and written to memory at every step, with no storage of
> local variables in registers.) The "return c+2" statement is changed from a
> return into a c += 2 assignment in the calling function.
> PUSH fp, returnregister # preserve old value in return register
> PUSH -1(fp), 7 # load a
> PUSH -2(fp),  2 # load b
> PUSH -3(fp), 3 # load d
> PUSH -4(fp), 0 # initialize c
> ADDI -1(fp), -1(fp), 2 # a += 2
> PUSH -5(fp), 4 # load e
> ADD -4(fp), -1(fp), -2(fp) # c = a + b + d + e
> ADD -4(fp), -4(fp), -5(fp) # c = a + d + d + e continued
> ADDI returnregister, -4(fp), 2 # return c + 2
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 14:44 Jonathan Fine, <jfine2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jacob
>> I'm finding the python-ideas list a bit noisy, so I'm sending this
>> off-list.
>> I've found
>> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/
>> Dynamic-Binding.html
>> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/
>> Variable-Scoping.html
>> Please confirm that this is at least close to what you want, to be
>> able to program your problem efficiently.
>> Meanwhile, I'm thinking about how your algorithm might be expressed in
>> Python.
>> --
>> Jonathan
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