Python has dropped the GUI ball, at least for beginners (in my opinion)

While the Python language is awesomely compact, the GUI code is far from 
compact.  Tkinter will create a nice looking GUI, but you've got to be skilled 
to use it.  A student in their first week of Python programming is not going to 
be working with tkinter.

It would be nice if beginners could double click a .py file and have it launch 
straight into a GUI, like most of the programs people are used to using.

I think I've stumbled onto a framework that could work very well for creating 
fairly complex custom-layout GUIs.

A package was released recently that uses this framework. It's called 
PySimpleGUI<>.  It is a wrapper 
for tkinter so that it'll run on almost any system Python will run on.  There 
are no other dependencies and it's a single file so that it can be easily 
dropped into someone's project folder for immediate use without messing with 
pip installs.

You can read more:
PySimpleGUI Tutorial<>
PySimpleGUI Cookbook<>
PySimpleGUI Reverence Document<>
A bunch of screenshots<>

I am not seeking fame, recognition, or any other personal gain.  I could care 
less if my name is associated with this design.  My goal is to get Python off 
the command line and onto the screen.

I am, however, making a serious in my attempt to get serious Python community 
members to weigh in on the best approach for getting acceptance.

A sizeable user-base is likely a requirement.  Interest has been brisk over the 
past few weeks with the basic 
GitHub<> stats having made great 
strides toward the EasyGUI<> values.  It's 
not a competition, but rather a benchmark to check progress.

Comments, suggestions, pointers in new directions are all welcomed.

Thank you very much for your time.  I have not been a part of this mailing list 
in the past, so I hope I'm using it within the guidelines.  Someone pointed me 
in this direction to get feedback and into the process.


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