On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 at 16:27, Mike Barnett <mike_barn...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> 1. More documentation - reference docs specifically.  I don't see
> documentation of the call signature for sg.Text, for example.
> A little confused by this one.  There are quite a bit of documentation.
> Did you see the readme on the GitHub and here:
> https://pysimplegui.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Yes, I saw that.

It has the call information about the Text widget and all the others.

If it does, I didn't spot it. I did say I was skimming - and there's
certainly a good amount of documentation. To some extent, I'm being picky
here because while I like examples, I have found projects in the past that
provide plenty of narrative and examples, but then when you start to want
to do something more complicated, the details and specifics are missing.

>   Is this what you mean by a Signature?
> Text(Text,
>     scale=(None, None),
>     size=(None, None),
>     auto_size_text=None,
>     font=None,
>     text_color=None,
>     justification=None)
> .
> Text - The text that's displayed
> size - Element's size
> auto_size_text - Bool. Change width to match size of text
> font - Font name and size to use
> text_color - text color
> justification - Justification for the text. String - 'left', 'right',
> 'center'

Yes, precisely. Apologies that I missed it.

I don't have all of the newest features in there, like the Update method
> because the doc is for version 2.9 on PyPI.  I don't yet have the latest
> GitHub release in there just yet.  You'll find that information instead on
> the Wiki:
> https://github.com/MikeTheWatchGuy/PySimpleGUI/wiki/PySimpleGUI-Wiki
> 2. Advanced features - how would I extend it if I have a need that it
> doesn't cover? For example, a canvas object or an image?
> I have Images.
> Don't have Canvas.  Any particular operations desired for the Canvas
> Element should I have one?

Nope. I don't even have a need for a canvas. But what I have found in the
past is that *anything* which is a "simple wrapper over X" always ends up
in a situation where you need some feature from X that the simple wrapper
doesn't cover, and you're left with the unpalatable choice of whether to
omit functionality you want to provide, or rewrite your code to use X
directly. So my question is more about "if you hit a need for something
PySimpleGUI doesn't cover, what are your options?

> 3. It doesn't seem to use native widgets (the buttons have a non-standard
> look on my Windows PC).
> The defaults can be easily changed.  The default buttons are the one
> widget that I modify from the system default.  The reason was that the
> system default is a gray button.  It pretty much matches the background.
> If you want your buttons to all look like the system default, slip this
> line of code at the top:
> sg.SetOptions(button_color=sg.COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT)

OK. Personally, I'd argue quite strongly that "match the OS default" is the
right default for a GUI library, but that's a hugely subjective area, and
you're never going to please everyone. So do whatever works for you.

Thank you again Paul... I learn something new from every reply 😊

No problem - glad it helped.

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