On Friday, August 24, 2018, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:

> On 8/24/2018 4:12 AM, Wes Turner wrote:
> There was a thread about deprecating Tk awhile back.
> That was an intentionally annoying troll post, not a serious proposal.
> Please don't refer to it as if it were.

stdlib inclusion entails years of support commitment, backwards
incompatibility, waiting for a Python release to occur, and withstanding
phd-level challenges.

> asyncio event loop support would be great for real world apps.
> This is unclear.  Any app that wants to use asyncio can import it.

> Easily using async and await *without* using asyncio is a different matter.

asyncio support is only so useful when the GUI widget toolkit blocks
(doesn't use async or await

> --
> Terry Jan Reedy
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