Op do 13 sep. 2018 om 14:22 schreef Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 10:16 PM, João Santos <j...@jsantos.eu> wrote:
> > One important difference between master/slave and beautiful/ugly is that
> the
> > first pair are concrete concepts that typically applies to people, and
> the
> > second are abstract concepts that always applied also to objects and
> > abstract concepts.
> You may or may not be right about "slave", but "master" is frequently
> applied to objects - the document from which other copies are taken,
> the template from which a cast is formed, etc. Even when applied to
> people, it doesn't have to be paired with slavery - a "master" of a
> skill is, well, someone who has mastered it. Excising the word master
> from all documentation is likely impossible, and pointless.
> And yes, I'm probably going to be slaughtered for saying this. But I
> grew up around photocopiers, so to me, the "master" was the good
> quality print-out that we stuck into the top of the copier, as opposed
> to the "copies" that came out the front of it. Not everyone assumes
> the worst about words.
> ChrisA

Nah, you're pretty right. Removing master/slave is almost as stupid as
ugly/beautiful. You can have master and slave devices - for example, if I
have a PC that tells a robot what to do, my PC is the master and the robot
the slave. Nothing wrong there either.

It's just what the words mean. People shouldn't try and take personal
offense to things that haven't been applied to them personally, or, even
worse, complain about a term applied to anything/anyone else in a way they
perceive to be offensive. Perception is different between people.
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