Hi Terry,

I would encourage you to read all the messages on the thread. The points
you raised were actually already discussed:
* Using formal contracts in the code does not imply that you must specify
*all* the contracts; you specify what you consider meaningful.
* Distinction of result/process (the example that was already discussed was
related to GUIs and pathlib standard library)

> b)//If you write contracts in text, they will become stale over time
> Not true for good docstrings.  We very seldom change the essential
> meaning of public functions.

In my team, we have a stale docstring once every two weeks or even more
often. If it weren't for doctests and contracts, I could imagine we would
have them even more often :)

I suppose good docstrings require many reviewers and slow refactoring
processes. Our public interfaces are changing daily and there is one
reviewer per pull request. If github/bitbucket allowed for better
highlighting of docstrings in code reviews (*e.g., *if it highlighted the
docstring of every function that changed), the miss rate would be probably
lower. I'm always happy to hear other experiences how people dealt with
requirements changing at a fast pace and how they dealt with code rot in a
team of limited size and time resources.

I agree with you that a good docstring is not stale by definition. I have
just never experienced a team that had good docstrings in my career.


On Sun, 7 Oct 2018 at 22:25, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:

> On 9/24/2018 3:46 AM, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann wrote:
> I am responding to your request "Please do point me to what is not
> obvious to you".  I think some of your claims are not only not obvious,
> but are wrong.  I have read some (probably less than half) of the
> responses and avoid saying what I know others have covered adequately.
> A mathematical function is defined or specified by a input domain,
> output range, and a mapping from inputs to outputs.  The mapping can be
> defined either by an explicit listing of input-output pairs or by a rule
> specifying either a) the process, what is done to inputs to produce
> outputs or, b) the result, how the output relates to the input.
>  >
> https://www.win.tue.nl/~wstomv/edu/2ip30/references/design-by-contract/index.html
> defines contracts as "precise (legally unambiguous) specifications" (5.2
> Business Contracting/Sub-contracting Metaphor)  It is not obvious to me
> that the metaphor of contracts adds anything worthwhile to the idea of
> 'function'.
> 1. Only a small sliver of human interactions are governed by formal
> legal contracts read, understood, and agreed to by both (all) parties.
> 2. The idealized definition is naive in practice.  Most legal contracts,
> unlike the example in the link article, are written in language that
> most people cannot read.  Many contracts are imprecise and legally
> ambiguous, which is why we have contract dispute courts.  And even then,
> the expense means that most people who feel violated in a transaction do
> not use courts.
> Post-conditions specify a function by result.  I claim that this is not
> always sensible.  I said above that functions may be specified by
> process rather than result.  Ironically, the contract metaphor
> reinforces my claim.  Many contracts, such as in teaching and medicine,
> only specify process and explicitly disclaim any particular result of
> concern to the client.
> > b)//If you write contracts in text, they will become stale over time
> Not true for good docstrings.  We very seldom change the essential
> meaning of public functions.
> How has "Return the sine of x (measured in radians).", for math.sin,
> become stale?  Why would it ever?  What formal executable post condition
> would help someone who does not understand 'sine', or 'sine of x'?  The
> function is only useful for someone who either understands 'sine' or is
> copying a formula written elsewhere without needing to understand it.
> Or consider "Stable sort *IN PLACE*." for list.sort.  A formal
> executable post-condition for this *can* be written.  But for someone
> who understands the words 'stable', 'sort', and 'in place', this compact
> English post condition is much more readable than any formal version
> could be.  More over, that addition of 'stable', when we were ready to
> do so, did not make "Sort *IN PLACE*" stale in any sense of being wrong.
> I said above that functions definitions and contracts can specify the
> process rather than the result.  For functions, the code is the process,
> and the code may then be the specification and the contract.  For instance,
> def append_first(seq):
>      "Append seq[0] to seq."
> So seq must have a first element accessed as seq[0] and an append method
> that accepts the first element as an argument.  One might guess the
> minimal body.
>      return seq.append(seq[0])
> The pre-condition here is that the return value can be calculated as
> specified.  Whenever this is true, python is already testing
> pre-conditions, as efficiently as possible.  We could elaborate the body as
>      try:
>          return seq.append(seq[0])
>      except Exception as e:
>          raise ValueError('raised ' + repr(e)[0])
> and add 'Raise ValueError with explanation on bad input' to the doc string.
> If the domain were restricted to lists, we could write a post-condition,
> and use that in a list-based unittest.  However, it likely be less
> readable than the docstring, and would execute in O(n) time (for an O(1)
> function).  The latter is acceptable for unittests, which will use short
> tests, but not for production.  But with duck-typing, no post condition
> is possible.  Neither is a generic unittest.  The code *is* the
> contract.  This is generally true of duck-typed Python code.
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy
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