On Sun, May 26, 2019, 1:12 PM Barry Scott <ba...@barrys-emacs.org> wrote:

> You said this: "Well, depends on how we define narrow ... you are writing
> probablythis email on a HDL designed machine ... and the entire world is
> powered by HDL designed silicons. that is not small for me at all."
> Which I take to mean that because there are billions of chips in the world
> there are billions of python users. And the change you want is justified
> by the billions of python users.

I think the analogy is more like saying there are billions of Verilog
users. Chips designed using this software are probably more numerous than
are human beings, and nearly all humans use one or more such chips. This
seems like a poor line of reasoning though. There are really only maybe
tens of thousands of people in the world who use Verilog, and that is a
nice target.

Pursuing the same indirect reasoning, we could also claim there are
billions of users of PSS/E, something I had not heard of until a web search
a few minutes ago. Apparently this is software used in design of electrical
distribution systems, required to make all of those ICs operate at all. Or
software used for building the construction equipment needed to construct
the power lines and factories where chips are made. Or...

In any case, as I said, modifying the whole Python language to allow use of
exactly the same symbols as Verilog users, seems foolish to me.

That said, '<=' is already perfectly well available for non-blocking
assignment. '=' cannot be overriden, but it occurs to me that a custom
class could perfectly well use '==' for blocking assignment just by
customizing a class. Yes, that would require 'foo.eq(bar)' for the old
meaning of equality (or something similar), but it seems like assignment is
more common than equality checks in Verilog.
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