On 26/05/2019 17:04, Yanghao Hua wrote:
On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 11:27 AM Barry Scott <ba...@barrys-emacs.org> wrote:
I think you are confusing the number of people that use HDL with the amount of 
product created.

I don't see how I did that but if you intercepted that way I must have
done that somehow.

Also I was under the impression that HDL tools exist already that are 
considered usable and yet do not need python.

What is the problem that you aim to solve with a python HDL tool?

I think the question should be which part of existing HDLs does not
need to be fixed? The answer would be easier: the assignment syntax is
pretty elegant. I would recommend to take a look at Chisel, all the
motivations for creating Chisel is pretty much the same reason I would
create a python equivalent and I had a prototype shows in some area it
could even be better.

You do realise that repeatedly avoiding the question "what problem do you think you are solving?" does not convincingly make the case that there is a problem to be solved, don't you?

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
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