On Fri, 9 Aug 2019 at 15:20, Richard Musil <risa20...@gmail.com> wrote:
> JSON objects are specified by their textual representation (json.org). 
> Choosing some binary representation for them (so they can be processed 
> efficinetly) which does not preserve their value is the problem of the 
> underlying binary representation, not of the JSON format per se.

>From ECMA-404, linked from that page:

The goal of this specification is only to define the syntax of valid
JSON texts. Its intent is not to provide any semantics or
interpretation of text conforming to that syntax. It also
intentionally does not define how a valid JSON text might be
internalized into the data structures of a programming language. There
are many possible semantics that could be applied to the JSON syntax
and many ways that a JSON text can be processed or mapped by a
programming language. Meaningful interchange of information using JSON
requires agreement among the involved parties on the specific
semantics to be applied. Defining specific semantic interpretations of
JSON is potentially a topic for other specifications

So yes, how JSON is translated into language data structures is out of
the scope of the JSON spec. So you're proposing a change to the Python
language stdlib implementation of that translation. Fine. But you have
yet to provide a justification for such a change, except the original
background description, which you yourself have repeatedly claimed is
irrelevant, of getting identical output from a JSON->internal->JSON
round trip.

So as far as I can see we're left with "please change the stdlib json
module, because I think this behaviour would be better (oh, and
incidentally it would solve an issue I have that's not relevant to my
argument that the module should change)".

> From the JSON point of view 0.6441726684570313 is perfectly valid float (or 
> better say _number_ as it is what JSON uses) and 0.6441726684570312 is 
> perfectly valid _and different_ number, because it differs in the last digit.

Well, technically, JSON doesn't claim they are different, because it
doesn't define comparison between its "number" objects... As you point
out later in the same post, "3.0" and "3.0000" are different in the
sense that you define, but how is that relevant or helpful? The JSON
spec adds no semantics, so language bindings get to do what they want.
So you're proposing a change to the Python language bindings.

We get that. (At least I think most of us do by now). But I'm not sure
you're getting the point that you need to justify your proposal, and
you can't (by your own argument) do so by reference to the JSON spec,
and you aren't (by your own admission) doing so based on round
tripping. So what is your justification for wanting this change? "It
makes more sense" doesn't seem to be getting much traction with people
here. "Decimal offers better accuracy" also seems not to be very

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