(Somehow your post came in twice. I'm replying to the second one.)

This seems a reasonable idea. A problem may be how to specify this, since
all positional and keyword arguments to `submit()` after the function
object are passed to the call. A possible solution would be to add a second
call, `submit_blocking()`, that has the semantics you desire.

I recommend that you open an issue on bugs.python.org to discuss the form
this API should take, explaining your use case, and in the meantime prepare
a PR for the GitHub cpython project to be linked to the issue.

Good luck improving Python!


On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 4:24 AM Chris Simmons <chris.simmon...@hotmail.com>

> I have a script that uploads files to Google Drive. It presently performs
> the uploads serially, but I want to do the uploads in parallel--with a
> reasonable number of simultaneous uploads--and see if that improves
> performance. I think that an Executor is the best way to accomplish this
> task.
> The trouble is that there's no reason for my script to continue queuing
> uploads while all of the Executor's workers are busy. In theory, if the
> number of files to upload is large enough, trying to queue all of them
> could cause the process to run out of memory. Even if it didn't run out of
> memory, it could consume an excessive amount of memory.
> It might be a good idea to add a "block" option to Executor.submit (
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#concurrent.futures.Executor.submit)
> that allows the caller to block until a worker is free to handle the
> request. I believe that this would be trivial to implement by passing the
> "block" option through to the Executor's internal Queue.put call (
> https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/242c26f53edb965e9808dd918089e664c0223407/Lib/concurrent/futures/thread.py#L176
> ).
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