On 10/24/2019 04:03 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

The current "obvious" solution is tedious, annoying, verbose (about a third longer than it need be) and error-prone.^1

--> print("So should we have syntax for sentence literals"
...       "so we don't forget spaces, too?")

^1 I'm gratified to see that nobody yet has noticed the error in my
earlier example involving the strings 'zero' through 'thirty', which
supports my point that the status quo is sub-optimal.

You said it was actual code, so I didn't pay close attention.  Does this mean 
you have now fixed an error in your code?  Your welcome.  ;-)

^2 On my computer the split idiom is about forty percent slower:

$ ./python -m timeit "['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']"
200000 loops, best of 5: 1.44 usec per loop

$ ./python -m timeit "'a b c d e f g h'.split()"
100000 loops, best of 5: 2.05 usec per loop

so it's not a trivial slowdown, even if this is unlikely to be a
bottleneck in many programs.

I hope you're not declaring that a 0.6 usec slowdown on a single import is 
worth optimizing.

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