> I have found that trying to explain the value of true notation to people
> who lack the experience and training is always a losing proposition.  I'm
> already regretting having started this thread, simply because I know how
> this works.  Frankly, it's almost like trying to engage with a religious
> person while trying to discuss the lack of evidence for the existence of
> supernatural beings.  They "know" what they "know" and it is a very rare
> case that someone is actually going to get out of that box and comprehend
> what you are saying.

I am done with this thread.  It has received nothing but close-minded
> hostility.  Which is fine.  I understand.  That's the way the world works.
> I've seen this kind of thing happen in many domains, not just programming.

I intend this response in the most friendly and kind way possible:

Approaching discussion in such a manner-- i.e., with the assumption that
other people, who see things differently than your (in your view) grounded,
logical, thought through, and deeply held standpoint, must "lack" things
like experience, training, or comprehension (in the example of your
interlocution with religious people) if they continue to differ with you--
could be one reason people have reacted with what you are interpreting as

People often naturally react hostile way when they detect the person they
are talking with believes they are lacking in some way.

Furthermore, speaking as a religious person who is coming from a tradition
that is deeply introspective, and has grappled for centuries with other
points of view, I suggest that disparaging the ability of religious people
to "comprehend" your views doesn't make the point you think it does. Might
want to find a new example. My two cents.


"I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home
or actually going home." - Happy Chandler
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