Hm... with only a little bit of cooperation of the container class (e.g.
xylophone), you could implement this yourself:

class xylophone:
    def __contains__(self, item):
        if hasattr(item, '__lcontains__'):
            return item.__lcontains__(self)
        return False

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 5:04 PM Samuel Muldoon <>

> *Currently, the `in` operator (also known as `__contains__`) always uses
> the rightmost argument's implementation.*
> *For example,*
>> *   status = obj in "xylophone" *
> *Is similar to:*
> *    status = "xylophone".__contains__( obj )*
> *The current implementation of  `__contains__` is similar to the way that
> `+` used to only look to the leftmost argument for implementation. *
> *    total = 4 + obj*
>> *    total = int.__add__(4, obj)*
> *However, these days, `__radd__` gives us the following:*
> *     try:*
>> *         total = type(4).__add__(4, obj)*
>> *     except NotImplementedError:*
>> *         total = type(obj).__radd__(obj, 4) *
> *We propose something similar for `__contains__`: That a new dunder/magic
> method `__lcontains__` be created and that the `in` operator be implemented
> similarly to the following:*
>> *    #     status = obj in "xylophone"`*
>> *    try:*
>> *        status =  "xylophone".__contains__(obj)*
>> *    except NotImplementedError:*
>> *        status = False *
>> *    if not status:        try:            status =
>> obj.__lcontains__(“xylophone”)    except AttributeError:        # type(obj)
>> does not have an `__lcontains__` method        with io.StringIO() as
>> string_stream:            print(                "unsupported operand
>> type(s) for `in`:",                repr(type(4).__name__),
>> "and",                repr(type(obj).__name__),
>> file=string_stream            )            msg = string_stream.getvalue()
>>       raise TypeError(msg) from None*
> *The proposed enhancement would be backwards compatible except in the
> event that a user already wrote a class having an `__lcontains__` method.*
> * With our running example of the string “xylophone”, writers of
> user-defined classes would be able to decide whether their objects are
> elements of  “xylophone” or not. Programmer would do this by writing an
> `__lcontains__` method.*
> *As an example application, one might develope a tree in which each node
> represents a string (the strings being unique within the tree). A property
> of the tree might be that node `n` is a descendant of node `m` if and only
> if `n` is a sub-string of `m`. For example the string "yell" is a
> descendant of "yellow." We might want the root node of the tree to be a
> special object, `root` such that every string is in `root` and that `root`
> is in no string. That is, the code `root in "yellow"` should return
> `False`. If ` __lcontains__ ` were implemented, then we could implement the
> node as follows:*
>> *class RootNode(Node): *
>> *    def __contains__(container, element):*
>> *        return True *
>> *    def __lcontains__(element, container):*
>> *        return False*
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