On Nov 12, 2019, at 17:00, Samuel Muldoon <muldoonsam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently, the `in` operator (also known as `__contains__`) always uses the 
> rightmost argument's implementation.
> For example,
>>    status = obj in "xylophone" 
> Is similar to:
>     status = "xylophone".__contains__( obj )
> The current implementation of  `__contains__` is similar to the way that `+` 
> used to only look to the leftmost argument for implementation. 
>>     total = 4 + obj
>>     total = int.__add__(4, obj)

When was this? I’m pretty sure __radd__ was there in 1.x.

> However, these days, `__radd__` gives us the following:
>>      try:
>>          total = type(4).__add__(4, obj)
>>      except NotImplementedError:
>>          total = type(obj).__radd__(obj, 4) 
> We propose something similar for `__contains__`: That a new dunder/magic 
> method `__lcontains__` be created and that the `in` operator be implemented 
> similarly to the following:
>>     #     status = obj in "xylophone"`
>>     try:
>>         status =  "xylophone".__contains__(obj)
>>     except NotImplementedError:
>>         status = False 
>>     if not status:
>>         try:
>>             status = obj.__lcontains__(“xylophone”)
>>     except AttributeError:
>>         # type(obj) does not have an `__lcontains__` method
>>         with io.StringIO() as string_stream:
>>             print(
>>                 "unsupported operand type(s) for `in`:",
>>                 repr(type(4).__name__),
>>                 "and",
>>                 repr(type(obj).__name__),
>>                 file=string_stream
>>             )
>>             msg = string_stream.getvalue()
>>         raise TypeError(msg) from None

You’ve specified rules that are different from the one you gave for __radd__, 
and also different from the actual rules for __radd__. Is that intentional? If 
so, why?

To summarize the rules: If type(rhs) is a proper subclass of type(lhs), check 
rhs.__radd__ first and fall back to lhs.__add__. Otherwise, if they’re the same 
type, only check lhs.__add__. Otherwise, check lhs.__add__ first and fall back 
to rhs.__radd__. In each case, the check uses special method lookup, not normal 
getattr. Also, fallback happens if lookup raises an AttributeError or the call 
returns NotImplemented; it does not happen if either one raises 
NotImplementedError. And finally, if the fallback fails in the same way, you 
get a TypeError.

> As an example application, one might develope a tree in which each node 
> represents a string (the strings being unique within the tree). A property of 
> the tree might be that node `n` is a descendant of node `m` if and only if 
> `n` is a sub-string of `m`. For example the string "yell" is a descendant of 
> "yellow." We might want the root node of the tree to be a special object, 
> `root` such that every string is in `root` and that `root` is in no string.

I don’t understand why you’d want this. If your tree is defined as substrings 
of a string, why isn’t your root the maximal string, instead of an empty 
string? Also, why does `node in “yellow”` work in the first place, when 
“yellow” is a str, not a Node?  Also, any string is a substring of itself; do 
you actually want every Node to be a descendant of itself? (And, if so, is the 
root a descendant of itself or not?) And finally, doesn’t this mean the root of 
any tree contains every descendant of every possible tree, not just its own 

Most of all, why can’t you implement your rule in Python today, without any new 

    class Node:
        def __contains__(self, other):
            if self.isroot: return True
            if other.isroot: return False
            return other.label in self.label

The only reason you need __radd__ is to handle interaction with different 
types, especially ones you don’t control. When you’re just building a single 
type, you can put all the logic in __add__. And the same thing ought to be true 
for __lcontains__.

Not understanding the point of this example makes it hard to evaluate how well 
the proposal solves it, but I don’t think it actually does.

> That is, the code `root in "yellow"` should return `False`. If ` 
> __lcontains__ ` were implemented, then we could implement the node as follows:
>> class RootNode(Node): 
>>     def __contains__(container, element):
>>         return True 
>>     def __lcontains__(element, container):
>>         return False

Presumably the rhs’s __contains__ method exists and does not raise 
NotImplementedError, right? Then by your rules, RootNode.__lcontains__ would 
never get called. 

This is the reason for those complicated rules about proper subclasses, 
identical classes, and unrelated classes being handled differently by __radd__. 
But even with those rules, your rhs isn’t even a Node, it’s a str. And 
str.__contains__ definitely exists and doesn’t raise NotImplementedError, and, 
as it’s an unrelated class, it will get called first, so you’ll just get a 
TypeError without ever having the chance to get your __lcontains__ called.

And that means that you can’t actually get the benefits without massively 
breaking backward compatibility. The only reason you can use __radd__ to make 
new types be addable to int is that int.__add__ doesn’t raise TypeError on 
unknown types, it returns NotImplemented. And the same for every other builtin, 
stdlib, and third-party numeric type. But every builtin, stdlib, and 
third-party container type raises TypeError from __contains__ on unknown types. 
So for __lcontains__ to be useful, they’d all have to be changed to return 
NotImplemented instead.

I think __lcontains__ (following the same rules as __radd__, and with the 
change to every existing __contains__, and probably at least two versions’ 
worth of __future__) could be useful, and if I were designing a new Python-like 
language I’d probably include it unless someone came up with a good reason not 
to. By adding it today would definitely be disruptive. So it needs a real 
killer use case that’s worth all that disruption.

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