06.12.19 23:21, Random832 пише:
On Fri, Dec 6, 2019, at 15:17, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
06.12.19 19:49, Random832 пише:
If match objects are too hard to use, maybe they should be made more 
user-friendly? What about adding str and iterable semantics to match objects so 
it can be used as str(re.search(...)); tuple(re.search(...)); a, b = 

What is semantic of these operations?

Sorry, I should have been more explicit, my intent was:

def __iter__(self):
     yield from iter(self.groups())

This is incompatible with subscripting. match[0] returns match.group(0), not match.groups()[0].

This idea was already discussed and was rejected as ambiguous.


def __str__(self):
     return self.group(0)

If you can use group() and groups() which return exactly what you need why do you want to use str() and tuple()?
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