On Thu, 9 Jan 2020 at 11:00, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
<arj.pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This proposal is not solving any problem at all
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> This proposal aims at enhancing zipapp. Zipapp solved the problem. Zipapp
> had an aim. This proposal aims at helping zipapp better accompplish it's aim.
> This proposal explores the next level of zipapps. The enhancements are 2 
> folds:
> - Adding meta details

But you haven't explained what problem adding metadata would solve.

> - Bundling dependencies

You can already bundle (pure Python) dependencies, just use pip
install --target to place them in a directory alongside your
application, add some code in your app to set sys.path, and bundle the
whole lot in a zipapp. Many people do this already. So if what you're
proposing is to make that process easier, then great, but you're not
explaining things very well, as nothing you've described so far sounds
easier than the current process :-(

> But i choose to go even further by attempting to
> explore security features and exploring the option of
> cross-platforming.

And yet again, you haven't explained how these additional features
will solve problems that users are actually encountering. Sure, it's
easy to say "security will avoid problems with malicious code" - but
what specific attacks are people finding to be an issue, and how will
your proposed solution address them? (You say you're still
investigating signing - I'd suggest dropping that part of your
proposal for now if you don't know how it will work yet).

> That's why there is much discussion over it

There's discussion because no-one can work out what problem you're
trying to solve, not because your proposal includes a number of

> I could've played the safe route and just propose
> adding meta data and bundle dependencies
> producing Os-specific zips.

You'd still have people asking what problem this will solve...

> Nobody has objection to the two above,
> there are prototypes with the above
> features which work.

Possibly. I don't see the point of extra metadata, but I'm not going
to object strenuously if someone wants to make it an optional extra
that people can include in their zipapps if they want. And if you had
a concrete proposal for a tool that made bundling pure-python
dependencies easier, I'd be very happy. But such a tool can easily be
written as a standalone tool - it doesn't need any change to Python
(even the zipapp module in the stdlib could have been released on PyPI
and kept independent). I don't see the point of insisting it be added
to Python (and indeed, I see some significant downsides to doing so,
such as it not being available in older versions of Python...)

> Before i forget about the hard questions completely and just propose the
> safe part, i wanted to push it as far as i can.

Maybe that was a mistake :-) Start small, and then build on your
success once the first part is done.

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