On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 3:29 PM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Mr. Paul Moore, co-author of PEP441 for contributing
to the discussion. Enchanté, as you say in French 🎉

> But you haven't explained what problem adding metadata would solve.

Writing here at the same time for more points below asking for what
problem adding metadata solves. Well to begin with, the Python community
still views zip archives as mere zip archives. In the Python Be Bold - Draft
thread on the Python list i listed different ways in which zip archives are
used in ways that are more than just archives.

I have taken Java as an example (you can refer to the draft here
as Python
shares some similarities in having a VM, having bytecodes and being labelled
as a cross-platform language. The draft shows different ways in which we can
improve a mere Zip archive to the level where more ambitious projects might
be built. I have also described the signing mechanism of .jars etc

Having metadata in zip archives is one baby step on using archives as apps.

The current thread being a spinoff of this
<https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2020-January/894987.html> and
thread, it is recommended
that before coming to this thread, people go through these threads, see the
conclusions reached on some aspects. Reading this draft by itself raises
whys which i'll just copy paste to answer

> You can already bundle (pure Python) dependencies, just use pip
> install --target to place them in a directory alongside your
> application, add some code in your app to set sys.path, and bundle the
> whole lot in a zipapp. Many people do this already. So if what you're
> proposing is to make that process easier, then great, but you're not
> explaining things very well,

<<Many people do this already>> That's precisely it. Many people
do it which shows that there's a need, many tools have been built
but this proposal proposes to make dependencies bundling 'official',
enabling python to ease the process. As i said earlier:

<<there are prototypes with the above
features which work.>>

> And yet again, you haven't explained how these additional features
> will solve problems that users are actually encountering. Sure, it's
> easy to say "security will avoid problems with malicious code" - but
> what specific attacks are people finding to be an issue, and how will
> your proposed solution address them? (You say you're still
> investigating signing - I'd suggest dropping that part of your
> proposal for now if you don't know how it will work yet).

Referring to your below part of "that's your mistake" i think yes
it's a good idea

> There's discussion because no-one can work out what problem you're
> trying to solve, not because your proposal includes a number of
> aspects.

The discussion has been over signing and cross-platforming

> Maybe that was a mistake :-) Start small, and then build on your
> success once the first part is done.

Ok will do!
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