On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 11:53:10PM -0300, Soni L. wrote:
> currently python -m requires you to cwd to the desired package root. I'd 
> like to suggest the ability to python -m 
> relative/path/to/package/root/module.submodule and python -m 
> /absolute/path/to/package/root/module.submodule

Oh, a further thought comes to mind... if your modules aren't on the 
PYTHONPATH, just drop the -m and you can execute any legal Python file, 
even if the name isn't a legal identifier.

    [steve@ando tmp]$ cp ~/python/spam/eggs.py /tmp/"some name".foo
    [steve@ando tmp]$ python3.5 "some name.foo"
    some name.foo

So as I understand it, the functionality you want already exists, both 
for running scripts on the path using -m and scripts with arbitrary file 
names without -m.

Have I missed some subtlety in your proposal?

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