Hi Soni,

For the last time, `python -m` takes a _module identifier_ as argument, not
a path. For a module identifier to make sense, the `PYTHONPATH` must be
set, or assumed.

Remember that you're free to write your own `mypython` script which takes
whatever arguments you want, with whatever actions you need.


On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 7:02 PM Soni L. <fakedme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> except I don't want to override PYTHONPATH.
> when you run a module with "python -m", it uses "." as one of the path
> elements. when you run a script with "python" it *doesn't use "." as one of
> the path elements*, instead replacing it with the path to the script.
> ideally "python -m" would also be able to check that you're running what
> you think you're running. maybe "python -m module.submodule@/path"? and
> then it'd check that "/path/module/submodule.py" or
> "/path/module/submodule/__main__.py" exists. and use "/path" instead of "."
> in the sys.path.
> I want a "python -m" clone with "python" semantics, basically. it makes
> development easier all around. and "python -m" provides a much nicer
> project structure than "python" IMO and I'd like to encourage ppl to switch
> their "python" projects to "python -m" projects.
> On 2020-01-11 7:28 p.m., Juancarlo Añez wrote:
> Soni,
> Others have explained it already. `python -m` expects a _module_ as
> parameter, and that module is searched by the rules `import` follows under
> What you're asking for is that `python` sets `PYTHONPATH` before executing
> a module. Maybe another option to `python`?
> python -p /path/to -m foo
> I would agree that would be nice.
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 6:07 PM Soni L. <fakedme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> why are we allowed to have fancy `python /path/to/foo.py` but not fancy
>> `python -m /path/to/foo`? if `python` was capable of detecting modules and
>> automatically deciding package roots, none of this would even be an
>> argument and I'd just use `python /path/to/module/submodule/__main__.py`
>> (with "module" having an __init__.py) and be done with it. but python can't
>> do that because backwards compatibility and whatnot.
>> so I propose we shove the solution into python -m instead. why's that so
>> bad? it's simply ergonomics.
>> On 2020-01-11 6:28 p.m., Juancarlo Añez wrote:
>> Soni,
>> Perhaps what you're looking for is available by writing a short Python
>> program with a shebang? Then PYTHONPATH would be set to the directory of
>> the program (many small projects include a `run.py` in the project's base
>> directory).
>> You can also place the program in ~/bin if it does `export PYTHONPATH`.
>> Then, I have this alias for one of my home-brewed tools, and it works as
>> I want:
>> alias chubby='PYTHONPATH=~/chubby ~/.virtualenvs/chubby/bin/python -Oum
>> chubby'
>> I too think that the semantics of `python -m` are fine.
>> On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 1:46 PM Soni L. <fakedme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I just want python foo/bar/baz/qux/__main__.py but with imports that
>>> actually work. -m works, but requires you to cd. -m with path would be
>>> an more than huge improvement.
>>> and it absolutely should look for the given module in the given path.
>>> not "anywhere in the PYTHONPATH".
>>> On 2020-01-11 2:21 p.m., Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>> > On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 11:27:51AM -0300, Soni L. wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > PYTHONPATH=foo/bar python -m baz.qux
>>> > >
>>> > > becomes
>>> > >
>>> > > python -m foo/bar/baz.qux
>>> > >
>>> > > which is less of a kludge.
>>> >
>>> > Sorry Soni, I completely disagree with you.
>>> >
>>> > The status quo `PYTHONPATH=foo/bar python -m baz.qux` is explicit about
>>> > changing the PYTHONPATH and it uses a common, standard shell feature.
>>> > This takes two well-designed components that work well, and can be
>>> > understood in isolation, and plugging them together. The first part of
>>> > the command explicitly sets the PYTHONPATH, the second part of the
>>> > command searches the PYTHONPATH for the named module.
>>> >
>>> > Far from being a kludge, I think this is elegant, effective design.
>>> >
>>> > It seems to me that your proposed syntax is the kludge: it mixes
>>> > pathnames and module identifiers into a complex, potentially
>>> > ambiguous "half path, half module spec" hybrid:
>>> >
>>> >      foo/bar/baz.qux
>>> >      * foo/bar/ is a pathname
>>> >      * baz.qux is a fully-qualified module identifier, not a file name
>>> >
>>> > The reader has to read that and remember that even though it looks
>>> > exactly like a pathname, it isn't, it does not refer to the file
>>> > "baz.qux" in directory "foo/bar/". It means:
>>> >
>>> > * temporarily add "foo/bar/" to the PYTHONPATH
>>> > * find package "baz" (which could be anywhere in the PYTHONPATH)
>>> > * run the module baz.qux (which might not be qux.py)
>>> >
>>> >
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>> --
>> Juancarlo *Añez*
> --
> Juancarlo *Añez*

Juancarlo *Añez*
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