On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 02:37:14PM -0500, David Mertz wrote:
> The "fluent interface" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface) is
> popular in many programming languages, including in the sort of
> "mini-language" Pandas, within portion.

I can't speak about Pandas, but what the OP is expecting to do is not a 
fluent interface. It's just method chaining. We do method chaining all 
the time with immutable "value objects" like strings:

    result = mystring.upper().strip().center(width).encode('utf-8')

and nobody blinks an eye or calls it unpythonic.

A fluent interface is built on top of method chaining: you can't 
(easily?) have a fluent interface without chaining, but you can have 
chaining without a fluent interface. See Fowler, who came up with the 
term and ought to know what he meant by it :-)


In other words: merely returning "self" from your mutating methods does 
not make a fluent interface.

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