On 2020-01-31 2:36 p.m., Andrew Barnert wrote:
On Jan 31, 2020, at 08:03, Soni L. <fakedme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Consider: > > x=nameof(foo.bar) > > in today's python becomes: > > foo.bar
> x="bar"
> > and when running this you get an AttributeError or something. > > the benefit is that "bar" is only typed once, and the attribute access (and thus error-raising code) is tied to the resulting string. either you change both the attribute access *and* the resulting string, or you get an error. (correct me if I'm wrong.)

That does work, but that means foo.bar has to exist and have a value before you 
look up the name. Consider these cases:

     class Spam:
         def __init__(self):
             self.eggs = 42
     print(nameof Spam.eggs) # AttributeError

     class Foo: pass

     foo0 = Foo()
     setattr(foo0, nameof foo0.bar, 42) # AttributeError

     foo1 = Foo()
     print(nameof foo1.bar) # AttributeError
     foo1.bar = 42

     foo2 = Foo()
     if spam: foo2.bar = 42
     print(nameof foo2.bar) # AttributeError if not spam

     foo3 = Foo()
     Foo.bar = 23
     print(nameof foo3.bar) # works fine

All of these seem to be working exactly as I'd expect nameof to work. In fact these are exactly how I'd prefer it to work, personally. I'm not OP tho.

baz = MyRPCProxy(baseuri, endpoint)
     print(nameof baz.bar) # makes a remote procedure call on the server and 
ignores the result or raises AttributeError depending on the server

Yes. I know.

These all seem more confusing than helpful—and very different from C#. If you 
explain that nameof is a mix of compile time and run time, or just explain that 
it compile to the same thing as the code as you gave, people could figure it 
out, but it still seems both weird and undesirable. Python variables just don’t 
have a static type, and even if they did, the attributes are dynamic rather 
than determined by the type anyway. And that isn’t some edge case that 
occasionally comes up; that Spam example is the usual ordinary way for a class 
to give its instances attributes.)

However, that does raise the possibility that maybe mypy (or your IDE or 
favorite other static type checker tool) should be doing the check, because 
Python variables often do have  a static type and it often does declare the 
variables and “often” may not be good enough for language semantics but it’s 
exactly the point of optional gradual type checking. So:

     class Spam:
         eggs: int = 42

     spam.cheese # If your typing-aware IDE will flag this

     nameof spam.cheese # … it will do exactly the same here

Now, when you’re using mypy/etc , nameof is just like C#, and gives you exactly 
the desired benefits, but all the Python compiler has to do is emit “cheese”. 
And when you aren’t using mypy? Then it just doesn’t get checked. Same as all 
other static typing errors.

What happens if spam: Any, or if spam: Spam but Spam didn’t statically deflate 
its attributes? At first glance, given the way optional gradual typing 
generally works, this shouldn’t be an error. But if we think of nameof as a 
compile time operator that’s meant to act like C#, maybe it is a static typing 
error to use it on an attribute that can’t be statically checked? Or maybe a 
warning? I don’t know. Maybe that should even be left up to the type checkers 
as a QoI issue rather than defined by Python?

But here's the thing -- C# is statically checked. Python is dynamically checked. (and yes, Python *does* have type checking, among other things.) I figured this would be the correct way to adapt a statically checked syntactic construct into an *equivalent* dynamically checked syntactic construct.

The static construct has:

- Errors at compile-time if stuff gets incorrectly refactored

The dynamic construct has:

- Errors at runtime if stuff gets incorrectly refactored

And this goes for anything you can contrast between static and dynamic constructs: classes, methods, everything. They always take a compile-time error and turn it into a runtime error. I strongly feel like it should be the same here.
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