On 03Apr2019 14:54, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
Now imagine it's five years from now, and you're using Python 3.11, and
you came across code somebody (possibly even you!) wrote:

   ifname = ifname.cutsuffix(':')

Would you say "Damn, I wish that method had never been added!" and
replace it with the earlier code above?

Just a late followup to this thread.

The other month I found myself doing the endwith/s=s[:-n] shuffle yet again, and wrote a pair of cutprefix and cutsuffix functions. They're available in my "cs.lex" PyPI module if anyone wants to use them. Their signature is:

   prefix = cutsuffix(original_string, suffix)
   if prefix is original_string:
       # suffix not present ...
       # suffix present, proceed using prefix

and the converse for cutprefix.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
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