On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 at 16:42, Eric Wieser <wieser.eric+nu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Do you have an example of an application where this sort of 
> > micro-optimisation is significant enough to justify a fairly major language 
> > change?
> As an example of these optimizations being valuable, see 
> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/7997, which claims the optimization I 
> described at the beginning resulted in a 1.5x-2x speedup.

I was amused by the first comment in that thread: "First, let me say
that this is terrifying and this comment should not be taken as
condoning it."

> > but that didn't need a language change to implement...
> The language change I'm proposing isn't about _implementing_ these 
> optimizations, it's about allowing users to exploit them without having to 
> sacrifice naming their variables.

Fair point. But I still question the cost vs benefit of this. After
all, this is a *language* change you're proposing - not just limited
to CPython with its particular implementation of GC. Consider

    x = some_complex_object()
    y = (del x)

What is to stop a Python implementation (not CPython, maybe, but some
other one) from discarding the object in x as soon as it's
unreferenced by the (del x) expression? Then y wouldn't be able to
hold that value. After all, in theory, after the first line our object
has a refcount of 1, then the (del x) changes that refcount to 0, then
y = (the value) changes it back to 1. But it could be discarded in
that period when it has refcount 0.

The above paragraph talked about refcounts, and about precisely when
objects are discarded. None of which is part of the language
definition. Can you describe your intended semantics for (del x)
*without* using implementation-specific terminology? Because that
would be important if this were to become a language feature.

Just to be clear - I see what you want to achieve here, and I
understand why it might be important to you. But the bar for a
*language* feature is by necessity higher than that.

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