On Mar 19, 2020, at 06:23, Stephen J. Turnbull 
<turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
> Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas writes:
>> [A] context manager seems perfect. It allows you to hint any
>> statement, including a loop statement, by adding whatever code you
>> want that gets run before and after the statement.
> I wonder: The analogy "decorator : function :: with : suite" seems
> useful here.  Is it useful in general?

Well, it only goes so far. A decorator is a call to a decorator function: a 
with statement is construction, entering, and exiting a context manager object. 
A decorator function is called once, when the function it decorates is defined; 
a context manager is called every time the statement it manages executes. A 
decorator function takes the decorated function as its parameter, and the 
wrapper function it returns gets to see the function’s arguments and its return 
value; a context manager has no access to the suite it manages or any of the 
variables it works on.

And I think the last one is particularly important here. If you’re thinking of 
verifying some code by checking that the output bears some relation to the 
input, a decorator has an obvious place to do that; with a context manager, 
it’s not even clear what the “input” and “output” of a suite are, but however 
you define them, you don’t have access to them (barring some tricks you can do 
with ugly frame hacks).

But still, despite the differences, there are some parallels. In particular, if 
you’re looking to “tag” some code with additional information, decorators and 
with statements can do that in similar enough ways.

Where I think your analogy might be really useful is evaluating the periodic 
proposals to give context managers access to their managed code or namespace or 
whatever. Hopefully you or someone else remembers your post next time one of 
those threads starts. :)
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