Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > Wasn't me, it was the other Stephen who spells his name with a "ph"
 > :-)

Guilty as charged, on both counts.

 > So each loop will need its own context manager, meaning its own
 > class. The *actual* invariant will be buried far away, in a CM
 > class, rather than right there next to the loop.

I see no reason why that will be true for many invariants.  The
context manager class would be simple, in principle: __entry__,
__exit__, and invariants.  The expression in the with statement would
be a constructor.

 > Worse: the condition will likely need to be written as a string, or a 
 > lambda, in order to delay evaluation.

Or a local def.  This is correct, as far as I know.  I would expect
the example from Wikipedia
translated to Python would be written in the "condition as string"
implementation as

def max(n, a):

    m = a[0]

    # m equals the maximum value in a[0...0]
    i = 1
    while (i != n) {
        with Invariants('m == max(a[0:i])'):

            # m equals the maximum value in a[0...i-1]
            if (m < a[i]):
                m = a[i]

            # m equals the maximum value in a[0...i]
            i += 1

            # m equals the maximum value in a[0...i-1]

    # m equals the maximum value in a[0...i-1], and i==n
    return m

So that's a little bit ugly because the condition is a string.  The
real problem I see is getting access to the bindings, which is likely
to involve passing in globals() and locals() to the constructor, which
isn't nice but also not so bad:

    Invariants(globals(), locals(),
               'm = max(a[0:i])',
               # add more invariants here if you like

Unfortunately, locals() is not guaranteed by the language to update
with changes to the locals (although it appears to in CPython 3.8.2).

 > In Eiffel, invariants are a block.

In Python, I suspect you would want each invariant to be a suite,
since the calculations you can do with expressions are limited, and
you wouldn't want to define a function for the reasons of locality to
the loop that you mentioned already.

 > Forcing invariants into a context manager would have all the
 > disadvantages of forcing every for loop into a call to map() with a
 > named function.

I really doubt it.  I think some complex invariants would need to be
implemented as named functions, but much of the time all of the
invariants could be inlined, and almost all of the time most of the
invariants could be inlined.

 > I don't think the context manager idea will be practical unless you
 > have only a very small number of very similar, simple, invariants.

I agree, but I also think that generalizes to the whole idea of
invariants in Python.  I don't think programming with invariants is
likely to be Python's strong suit.  I'd loved to be proved wrong (not
that I'd use them myself that I can see, but I know others have
explored the idea of automatically verifying invariants and it would
be cool!)

If so, I'd be supportive of a syntax change.

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