On Mar 30, 2020, at 10:18, Joao S. O. Bueno <jsbu...@python.org.br> wrote:
> That said, anyone could tell about small, efficient, 
> well maintained "mutable string" classes on Pypi?

I don’t know of one. But what do you actually want it for? In most cases where 
you want “mutable strings”, what you really want is either a string builder 
(just wrap up a list of strings and join), or something that (unlike a list, 
array.array, etc.) provides insert and delete of substrings in better than 
linear time, like a gap buffer or rope or tree-indexed thing or similar (and 
there are good PyPI libraries for some of those things). But if you actually 
have a use for a simple mutable string that had the str API plus the 
MutableSequence API and performs roughly like array.array('Q') but with 
substrings instead of their codepoint int values, I don’t think anyone’s built 

If you want to build it yourself, I doubt it’s possible to make a pure-Python 
version that’s efficient enough for real use in CPython; you’d probably need a 
C accelerator just to avoid the cost of boxing and unboxing between ints and 
single-char strings for most operations. However, you probably could build a 
minimal “ucs4array” class with a C accelerator and then build most of the str 
API on top of that in pure Python. (Or, if you want the space efficiency of 
CPython strings, you need ucs1/ucs2/ucs4array types and a str that switches 
between them.)
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