On 2020-04-10 11:16 p.m., Greg Ewing wrote:
On 11/04/20 6:34 am, Soni L. wrote:

     def _extract(self, obj):
             yield (self.key, obj[self.key])
         except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
             if not self.skippable:
                 raise exceptions.ValidationError

You can separate out the TypeError like this:

        get = obj.__getitem__
    except TypeError:
        yield (self.key, get(self.key))
    except (IndexError, KeyError):

I also don't have a good way of changing this to wrap stuff in RuntimeError

Your proposed solution also requires everyone to update their
__getitem__ methods before it will work. What's more, in the
transition period (which you can expect to be *very* long) when
not everyone has done so, your code would fail much of the
time, because you would only be catching exceptions that were
raised "in" the appropriate object, and would miss anything
raised by old methods that did not use "in".

So your solution kind of has a chicken-and-egg problem. It
wouldn't work unless everyone started using it everywhere
at the same time, which is never going to happen.

They used to say that about Rust.
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