Trim! for the sake of all that is holy, and most of what isn't.

Soni L. writes:

 > for starters: operator variants wherever exceptions are used as part of 
 > API contract, and add a kwarg to functions that explicitly define 
 > exceptions as part of their API contract.

How do I decide when to (1) use None == builtin, I guess? vs. (2) the
exception space defined by the new argument vs. (3) a exception space
defined by my code vs. (4) a third party's exception space?

At this point, the rule is "use whichever exception space helps Soni
debug my code", which I don't consider an implementable specification.

 > if missing, defaults to None. all exceptions not raised in a specific 
 > channel will not match a specific channel, but will match None.
 > so e.g. you do:

So, you've completely missed my point, which is that no, *I* *don't*.

You need *other* people to add this keyword argument to *their*
functions.  I don't see a favorable benefit-cost ratio for me, or for
anybody else for that matter.  And if other people aren't using it,
it's not going to help you with debugging masked bogus exceptions.


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