I've implemented the class as a stand-alone module here:

It could in theory be made significantly more concise if `defdict_type`
were the base for this class instead of `PyDict_Type`.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 1:32 PM Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas <
python-ideas@python.org> wrote:

> On Apr 13, 2020, at 18:44, Caleb Donovick <donov...@cs.stanford.edu>
> wrote:
> I have built this data structure countless times. So I am in favor.
> Maybe you can give a concrete example of what you need it for, then? I
> think that would really help the proposal. Especially if your example needs
> a per-instance rather than per-class factory function.
> > Why can’t you just subclass dict and override that?
> Because TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict is one
> of my least favorite errors.
> But defaultdict, being a subclass or dict, has the same problem in the
> same situations, and (although I haven’t checked) I assume the same is true
> for the OP’s dynamicdict.
> Perhaps `__missing__` could be a first class part of the getitem of
> protocol, instead of a `dict` specific feature.  So that
> ```
> r = x[key]
> ```
> means:
> ```
> try:
>   r = x.__getitem__(key)
> except KeyError as e: # should we also catch IndexError?
>   try:
>     missing = x.__missing__
>   except AttributeError:
>     raise e from None
>   r = missing(key)
> ```
> Obviously this would come at some performance cost for non dict mappings
> so I don't know if this would fly.
> Besides performance, I don’t think it fits with Guido’s conception of the
> protocols as being more minimal than the builtin types—e.g., set has not
> just a & operator, but also an intersection method that takes 0 or more
> arbitrary iterables; the set protocol has no such method, so
> collections.abc.Set neither specifies nor provides an intersection method).
> It’s a bit muddy of a conception at the edges, but I think this goes over
> the line, and maybe have been explicitly thought about and rejected for the
> same reason as Set.intersection.
> On the other hand, none of that is an argument or any kind against your
> method decorator:
> So instead maybe there could have standard decorator to get the same
> behavior?
> ```
> def usemissing(getitem):
>   @wraps(getitem)
>   def wrapped(self, key):
>     try:
>       return getitem(self, key)
>     except KeyError as e:
>       try:
>         missing = self.__missing__
>       except AttributeError:
>         raise e from None
>     return missing(key)
>   return wrapped
> ```
> This seems like a great idea, although maybe it would be easier to use as
> a class decorator rather than a method decorator. Either this:
>     def usemissing(cls):
>         missing = cls.__missing__
>         getitem = cls.__getitem__
>         def __getitem__(self, key):
>             try:
>                 return getitem(self, key)
>             except KeyError:
>                  return missing(self, key)
>         cls.__getitem__ = __getitem__
>         return cls
> Or this:
>    def usemissing(cls):
>         getitem = cls.__getitem__
>         def __getitem__(self, key):
>             try:
>                 return getitem(self, key)
>             except KeyError:
>                  return type(self).__missing__(self, key)
>         cls.__getitem__ = __getitem__
>         return cls
> This also preserves the usual class-based rather than instance-based
> lookup for most special methods (including __missing__ on dict subclasses).
> The first one has the advantage of failing at class decoration time rather
> than at first missing lookup time if you forget to include a __missing__,
> but it has the cost that (unlike a dict subclass) you can’t monkeypatch
> __missing__ after construction time. So I think I’d almost always prefer
> the first, but the second might be a better fit for the stdlib anyway?
> I think either the method decorator or the class decorator makes sense for
> the stdlib. The only question is where to put it. Either fits in nicely
> with things like cached_property and total_ordering in functools. I’m not
> sure people will think to look for it there, as opposed to in collections
> or something else in the Data Types chapter in the docs, but that’s true of
> most of functools, and at least once people discover it (from a Python-list
> or StackOverflow question or whatever) they’ll learn where it is and be
> able to use it easily, just like the rest of that module.
> It’s simple, but something many Python programmers couldn’t write for
> themselves, or would get wrong and have a hard time debugging, and it seems
> like the most flexible and least obtrusive way to do it. (It does still
> need actual motivating examples, though. Historically, the bar seems to be
> lower for new decorators in functools than new classes in collections, but
> it’s still not no bar…)
> Additionally—I’m a lot less sure if this one belongs in the stdlib like
> @usemissing, but if you were going to put this on PyPI as a mappingtools or
> collections2 or more-functools or whatever—you could have an
> @addmissing(missingfunc) decorator, to handle cases where you want to adapt
> some third-party mapping type without modifying the code or subclassing:
>     from sometreelib import SortedDict
>     def missing(self, key):
>         # ... whatever ...
>     SortedDict = addmissing(missing)(SortedDict)
> And if the common use cases are the same kinds of trivial functions as
> defaultdict, you could also do this:
>     @addmissing(lambda self, key: key)
>     class MyDict…
> Alternatively, it could be implemented as part of one of the ABCs maybe
> something like:
> ```
> class MissingMapping(Mapping):
>   # Could also give MissingMapping its own metaclass
>   # and do the modification of __getitem__ there.
>   def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
>     super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
>     cls.__getitem__ = usemissing(cls.__getitem__)
>   @abstractmethod
>   def __missing__(self, key): pass
> ```
> Presumably you’d also want to precompose a MutableMissingMapping ABC. Most
> user mappings are mutable, and I suspect that’s even more true for those
> that need __missing__, given that most uses of defaultdict are things like
> building up a multidict without knowing all the keys in advance.
> As for the implementation, I think __init_subclass__ makes more sense than
> a metaclass (presumably a subclass or ABCMeta). Since mixins are all about
> composing, often with multiple inheritance, it’s hard to add metaclasses
> without interfering with user subclasses. (Or even with your own
> future—imagine if someone realizes MutableMapping needs its own metaclass,
> and MissingMapping already has one; now there’s no way to write
> MutableMissingMapping.) Composing ABCs with non-ABC mixins is already more
> of a pain than would be ideal, and I think a new submetaclass would make it
> worse.
> But at any rate, I’m not sure this is a good idea. None of the other ABCs
> hide methods like this. For example, Mapping will give you a __contains__
> if you don’t have one, but if you do write one that does things
> differently, yours overrides the default; here, there’d be no way to
> override the default __getitem__ to do things differently, because that
> would just get wrapped and replaced. That isn’t unreasonable behavior for a
> mixin in general, but I think it is confusing for an ABC/mixin hybrid in
> collections.abc.
> Also, a protocol or ABC is something you can check for compliance (at
> runtime, or statically in mypy, or just in theory even if not in the actual
> code); is there ever any point in asking whether an object complies with
> MissingMapping? It’s something you can use an object as, but is there any
> way you can use a MissingMapping differently from a Mapping? So I think
> it’s not an ABC because it’s not a protocol.
> Of course you could just make it a pure mixin that isn’t an ABC (and maybe
> isn’t in collections.abc), which also solves all of the problems above
> (except the optional one with the metaclass, but you already avoided that).
> But at that point, are there any advantages over the method or class
> decorator?
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