On 04.05.20 19:43, Steve Barnes wrote:

How about "balanced" or "exact" as possible names. The main thing that I think 
is vital is for the docstring(s) to mention that they all exist - the current zip (in 3.8) doesn't 
mention zip_longest so if you don't already know about it.

What about "equilen" as an analogy to "equidistant" combined with "len".
Or simply "samelength". "exact" is also appealing but it doesn't say
what's being exact. It might also be insightful to look at the negated
flag, e.g. `exact=False` -- which could suggest that once an iterator is
exhausted it just continues to yield tuples of reduced length, i.e.
`list(zip('ab', range(3), exact=False))` could result in `[('a', 0),
('b', 1), (2,)]`.

-----Original Message-----
From: MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com>
Sent: 04 May 2020 17:55
To: python-ideas@python.org
Subject: [Python-ideas] Re: PEP 618: Add Optional Length-Checking To zip

On 2020-05-04 13:17, Dominik Vilsmeier wrote:
"strict" doesn't say what it's being strict about. That information
has to be inferred by the reader.

And "equal" doesn't say what it's equal.

What we need is a word that means "same length", much as "shorter" and "longer" 
are about length.

There's "coextensive", but that'll probably get a -1.
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