On Tue, 5 May 2020 at 07:22, Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In any case, you seem to making the argument that a few of us are putting 
> forward: yes, a flag on zip() is likely to get more use than a function in 
> itertools. Thanks for the support :-)

I'd like to add my voice to the people saying that if someone isn't
willing to go and find the correct function, and import it from the
correct module, to implement the behaviour that they want, then I have
no interest in making it easier for them to write their code
correctly, because they seem to have very little interest in
correctness. Can someone come up with any sort of credible argument
that someone who's trying to write their code correctly would be in
any way inconvenienced by having to get the functionality from

It seems like we're trying to design a way for people to
"accidentally" write correct code without trying to, and without
understanding what could go wrong if they use the current zip
function. I'm OK with "make it easy to do the right thing", but "make
it easy to do the right thing by accident" is a step too far IMO.

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