I'm afraid, Oscar, that you seem to have painted yourself into a reductio
ad absurdum.  We need a healthy dose of "practicality beats purity" thrown
in here.

What the substitution principle essentially says is

>    if x == y then f(x) == f(y)
> for any function f such that f(x) is well defined.
> I've come to the seemingly obvious conclusion that if there is *any*
> difference between x and y then it's always better to say that x != y.

>>> x = 3.1415
>>> y = 3.1415
>>> x == y
>>> f = id
>>> f(x) == f(y)

I'm very happy to agree that "but id() isn't the kind of function I meant!"

That's the point though.  For *most* functions, the substitution principle
is fine in Python.  A whole lot of the time, numeric functions can take
either an int or a float that are equal to each other and produce results
that are equal to each other.  Yes, I can write something that will
sometimes overflow for floats but not ints.  Yes, I can write something
where a rounding error will pop up differently between the types.  But
generally, numeric functions are "mostly the same most of the time" with
float vs. int arguments.

This doesn't say whether tuple is as similar to list as frozenset is to
set.  But the answer to that isn't going to be answered by examples
constructed to deliberately obtain (non-)substitutability for the sake of

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become abortifacients against new conceptions.
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