> On 18 Jun 2020, at 10:36, Jonathan Fine <jfine2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> Summary: Shared objects in Unix are a major influence. This proposal can be 
> seen as a first step towards packaging pure Python modules as Unix shared 
> objects.
> First, there's a high level overview. Then some technical stuff in 
> Appendices. 
> An object is transient if it can be garbage collected. An object is permanent 
> if it will never be garbage collected. Every interpreted Python function has 
> a code object (that contains instructions for the interpreter). Many of these 
> code objects persist to the end of the program, and are used for little else 
> than providing interpreter instructions.
> We show that extending Python, to provide and take advantage of permanent 
> code objects, will bring some benefits. The cost is expected to be quite 
> small.
> When a Python function is called, the interpreter increases the refcount of 
> its code object. At the end of the function's execution, the interpreter 
> decreases the refcount. (An example below shows this.)
> If Python were extended to take advantage of permanent code objects, then for 
> example popular code objects could be loaded into memory in this way. This 
> can reduce memory usage (by sharing immutable resources) and reduce startup 
> time.
> In addition, a Unix forked process would have less need to do copy-on-write 
> (see below). This is related to packaging pure Python modules as Unix shared 
> objects.
> The core of implementing this change would be to provide if ... else ... 
> branching, around the interpreter source code that changes the refcount of a 
> code object. The interpreter itself will of course want direct access to the 
> permanent code object. There is no harm in that.
> The cost is that unprivileged access to fn.__code__ will be slower, due to an 
> additional indirection. However, as such commands are rarely executed in 
> ordinary programs, the cost is expected to be small.
> It might be helpful, after checking the analysis and before coding, to do 
> some simple timing tests and calculations to estimate the performance 
> benefits and costs of making such a change. These would of course depend on 
> the use case.

To make the code avoid COW you would need to be able to make sure that all code 
memory blocks are not mixed in with PyObject memory blocks.

Then the ref count dance will have trigger COW for the code.


> I hope this helps.
> Jonathan
> ===========
> Because fn.__code__ must not return a permanent object, some sort of opaque 
> proxy would be required. Because Python programs rarely inspect fn.__code__, 
> in practice the cost of this additional indirection is likely to be small.
> As things are, the time spent changing the refcount of fn.__code__ is 
> probably insignificant. The benefit is that permanent code objects are made 
> immutable, and so can be stored safely in read-only memory (that can be 
> shared across all processes and users). Code objects are special, in that 
> they are only rarely looked at directly. Their main purpose is to be used by 
> the interpreter.
> Python allows the user to replace fn.__code__ by a different code object. 
> This is a rarely done dirty trick. The transient / permanent nature of 
> fn.__code__ could be stored as a hidden field on the fn object. This would 
> reduce the cost of the if ... else ... branching, as it amounts to caching 
> the transient / permanent nature of fn.__code__.
> On Unix, the fork system call causes a process to make a child of itself. The 
> parent and child share memory. To avoid confusion and errors, when either 
> asks the system to write to shared memory, the system ensures that both 
> parent and child have their own copy (of the page of memory that is being 
> written to). This is an expensive operation.
> See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy-on-write 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy-on-write>
>     >>> from sys import getrefcount as grc
>     # Identical functions with different code objects.
>     >>> def f1(obj): return grc(obj)
>     >>> def f2(obj): return grc(obj)
>     >>> f1.__code__ is f2.__code__
>     False
>     # Initial values.
>     >>> grc(f1.__code__), grc(f2.__code__)
>     (2, 2)
>     # Calling f1 increases the refcount of f1.__code__.
>     >>> f1(f1), f1(f2), f2(f1), f2(f2)
>     (6, 4, 4, 6)
>     # If fn is a generator function, then x = fn() will increase the
>     # refcount of fn.__code__.
>     >>> def f1(): yield True
>     >>> grc(f1.__code__)
>     2
>     # Let's create and store 10 generators.
>     >>> iterables = [f1() for i in range(10)]
>     >>> grc(f1.__code__)
>     22
>     # Let's get one item from each.
>     >>> [next(i) for i in iterables]
>     [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]
>     >>> grc(f1.__code__)
>     22
>     # Let's exhaust all the iterables. This reduces the refcount.
>     >>> [next(i, False) for i in iterables]
>     [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
>     >>> grc(f1.__code__)
>     12
>     # Nearly done. Now let go of the iterables.
>     >>> del iterables
>     >>> grc(f1.__code__)
>     2
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