On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 06:33:59PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
> On 19/06/20 9:28 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >I know very little about how this works except a vague rule of thumb
> >that in the 21st century memory locality is king. If you want code to be
> >fast, keep it close together, not spread out.
> Python objects are already scattered all over memory, and a
> function already consists of several objects -- the function
> object itself, a dict, a code object, lists of argument and
> local variable names, etc. I doubt whether the suggested
> change would make locality noticeably worse.

There's a difference between "I doubt" and "it won't". Unless you're an 
expert on C level optimizations, like Victor or Serhiy, which I 
definitely am not, I think we're both just guessing.

Here is some evidence that cache misses makes a real difference for 
performance. A 70% slow down on calling functions, due to an increase in 
L1 cache misses:


There's also been a lot of work done on using immortal objects. The 
results have been mixed at best:


Jonathan's initial post claimed to have shown that this technique will 
be of benefit:

"We show that extending Python, to provide and take advantage of 
permanent code objects, will bring some benefits."

but there is a huge gulf between faster in theory and faster in practice 
and we should temper our enthusiasm and not claim certainty in the face 
of a vast gulf of uncertainty. I know that Python-Ideas is not held to 
the same standards as scientific papers, but if you claim to have shown 
a benefit, you really ought to have *actually* shown a benefit, not just 
identified a promising area for future study.

Making objects immortal is not free, it risks memory leaks, and the 
evidence (as far as I can tell) is that it helps only a small subset of 
Python users (those that fork() lots of worker processes) at the expense 
of the majority of users.

Personally, based on my *extremely limited* (i.e. infinitesimal) 
knowledge of C-level optimizations on 21st century CPUs, I don't think 
this is a promising area to explore, except maybe as an option. (A 
runtime switch, perhaps, or a build option?) If Jonathan, or anyone 
else, thinks differently and is willing to run some before and after 
benchmarks, I look forward to being proven wrong :-)

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