Edwin Zimmerman wrote:
> This is still true.  There are some of us that will scream very very loud if 
> the std
> lib disappears from Python installers.  However, I think there could easily 
> be a way to
> satisfy both parties here.  How difficult would it be to release both full 
> and minimal
> installers for every release?  That way everyone could have it their way.
> --Edwin
> On 6/16/2020 6:51 AM, Stéfane Fermigier wrote:
> > It has also been discussed that some people can't
> > rely on anything outside the standard packages, due to the constraints of 
> > their company or
> > their field.
> >

This attempt will at least make some standardization of libraries for different 
Python implementations: CPython, PyPy, Brython, RustPython, MicroPython, Pycopy

For example if user writes application in RustPython for WASM which will be 
executed in browser it could use only libcore api for base logic packages and 
some specific platform api within implementation of Python

This attempt was done previously by .NET with .NET Standard that allows to 
write libraries that could be run on any implementation of .NET (.NET Framework 
or Mono)

Since in Python we have a lot of different implementations it would be nice to 
know that if I use the libcore functionality it will run everywhere and if I 
use libstd it will run only where requirements of the system allow to use full 
package or where author of implementation implemented those packages
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