On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 5:35 AM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 11:02:54PM -0700, Christopher Barker wrote:

> > Or is it a set because it can’t be indexed? If I have the history right,
> > dict.items was first implemented with the “old” dict implementation,
> which
> > did not preserve order, but did provide O(1) access, so making the dict
> > views set-like was easy, and making them Sequences was impossible.
> No, making them set-like was intentional.
> The history goes something like this:
> In Python 1, and early Python 2, dict.keys(), .values() and .items()
> each returned lists. Some time by 2.4 (possibly earlier) dicts grew
> additional methods returning iterators:
>     dict.iterkeys() .itervalues() .iteritems()
> As part of the migration from Python 2 to 3, it was planned to change
> them to set-like views:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3106/
> so as an aid to migration, these set-like views were added to 2.7:
>     dict.viewkeys() .viewvalues() .viewitems()
> and finally in 3.x, the list and iterator versions were all dropped and
> the views were renamed.
> So there was already a sequence version of items etc, and the set-like
> views were explicitly intended to be set-like.

Thanks for the details, but I just re-read the PEP, and I'm not sure my
hand wavy version is wrong:

> there was already a sequence version of items etc

Well, yes, but they explicitly created list copies -- there was no
sequence-like version that was a view.

The first improvement on that was the iter* methods, and then (inspired by
JAVA) it was determined that we could have view objects that could provide
efficient iterators, and also set-like behavior. But I don't see any
comments in the PEP about why indexing was rejected, but it's implicit in
the fact that dicts were explicitly unordered at the time that PEP was

Now that dicts do preserve order, and there is an implementation that can
provide somewhat efficient indexing ( not O(1), but yes O(N) with a small
constant) there is the opportunity to add a new feature.

It does bring up a question: if the view objects support indexing, it would
be a bit odd for two dict view objects to be equal if they have the same
elements, but not the same order, but that would be required to remain
consistent with the way dicts currently are (and will remain) One way to
think about is that adding indexing to the views would NOT make them
Sequences, it would simply provide that one feature.

So how useful is that feature? I recall a couple (actually, essentailly
one) which is selecting an arbitrary or random item from a dict, i.e. being
able to pass a dict view to random.choice()

As it happens. I've had that use case, but if that's the only one folks can
think of, then maybe not particularly worthwhile.

Final note about performance: yes, we don't want to encourage folks to use
not-great-performance approaches, but the alternative to the O(N) with
small constant performance being proposed here is to make a Sequence out of
the views, and then index into them, which is O(N) with a larger constant
and more memory use.


> --
> Steven
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Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
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  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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