On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 10:18:34AM +0100, Stestagg wrote:

> This property is nice, as .keys() (for example) can operate like a set and
> give lots of convenience features.  However this doesn't really mean that
> these objects are trying to *be* sets in any meaning way,

Please read the PEP:


It was an explicit design choice to make them be set-like, not an 
accident. The whole point was to offer a set interface.

> Plus, the following example shows how quickly the set emulation falls-down:
> py> set({'a': [1]}.items())
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

They aren't small-s sets, the concrete set class. But they are large-s 
Sets, the ABC. They provide the same set interface without needing 
elements to be hashable.

An analogy for you to think about: both floats and complex numbers are 
numbers. But:

    py> from numbers import Number
    py> isinstance(1.5, Number) and isinstance(1.5j, Number)
    py> float(1.5j)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: can't convert complex to float

I trust you aren't going to argue that one or the other of 
floats or complex numbers aren't numbers.

> I don't think inventing new methods for emulating __getitem__ is that
> useful here, there is a well established standard for getting items from a
> container by index, I think we should use it :).

We can't use dict[index] because the index can also be a key:

    d = {'a': None, 'b': None, 0: 999}
    d[0]  # return 'a' or 999?

So one way or another we have to invent a new standard for getting items 
by index position. Dict views are not containers, they are *views*, so 
it makes just as much sense (maybe more) to add a method on the dict 
itself to return the nth key as to pretend that set-like views are 

> Here's my understanding of the performance implications of allowing
> __getitem__ on dictview objects:
> However, split dicts are *not* really relevant here, because typically
> dicts in use aren't split() (for example mutating a split dict) returns a
> traditional' dict.

Doesn't matter whether they are "typically" used or not, the same API 
must work regardless of whether the dict is a split dict or traditional 

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