On Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 01:01:15AM +0100, MRAB wrote:

> Should it raise an exception if minimum > maximum?

I think there are only two reasonable answers to this:

- raise an exception if the lower bounds is greater than the 
  upper bounds ("errors should never pass silently");

- or Do What I Mean by swapping them if they are in the wrong

    if lower > upper:
        lower, upper = upper, lower

I'm +1 on raising and about +0.00001 on DWIM. People who have read my 
posts on this mailing list in the past may remember that I am usually 
very suspicious of, if not hostile to, DWIM functions, but in this case 
I think it's harmless.

This is what numpy does if you get the order wrong:

    py> import numpy as np
    py> np.clip(5, 1, 10)  # This is correct.
    py> np.clip(5, 10, 1)  # WOT?

Silently returning garbage is not, in my opinion, acceptable here.

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