To add some numbers to this discussion.

Using the patch I provided earlier, I tried running some performance
comparisons against different call patterns & dictionary sizes:

These tests have two versions:
direct_index:  uses the __getitem__ method in the patch (O(n)) on the view
list_copy: converts the view into list(), then does an index lookup

Each score is the fastest result of running the test 10 times.

Accessing the last item [-1] using the __getitem__ approach is the
*worst-case scenario* for the __getitem__ method.

d.keys()[-1]     vs      list(d.keys())[-1]
Items in dict: 1 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2us Speedup: 1.85x
Items in dict: 26 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2us Speedup: 2.18x
Items in dict: 650 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 6us Speedup: 7.68x
Items in dict: 15,600 direct_index: took 6us list_copy: took 119us Speedup:
Items in dict: 358,800 direct_index: took 129us list_copy: took 6065us
Speedup: 47.12x
Items in dict: 7,893,600 direct_index: took 2827us list_copy: took 210419us
Speedup: 74.43x

random.choice(d.items())   vs    random.choice(list(d.items()))
Items in dict: 1 direct_index: took 3us list_copy: took 3us Speedup: 1.23x
Items in dict: 26 direct_index: took 3us list_copy: took 5us Speedup: 1.75x
Items in dict: 650 direct_index: took 5us list_copy: took 19us Speedup:
Items in dict: 15,600 direct_index: took 7us list_copy: took 2771us
Speedup: 377.55x
Items in dict: 358,800 direct_index: took 112us list_copy: took 76626us
Speedup: 682.33x
Items in dict: 7,893,600 direct_index: took 1667us list_copy: took
1602864us Speedup: 961.37x

d.items()[0]    vs    list(d.items())[0]
Items in dict: 1 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 1us Speedup: 1.75x
Items in dict: 26 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2us Speedup: 1.84x
Items in dict: 650 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 19us Speedup:
Items in dict: 15,600 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 2867us
Speedup: 4777.73x
Items in dict: 358,800 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 73268us
Speedup: 112719.85x
Items in dict: 7,893,600 direct_index: took 1us list_copy: took 1604230us
Speedup: 2765900.12x

So, use-case discussions aside, you get some pretty convincing performance
wins even on small-ish dictionaries if direct indexing is used.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 3:11 PM Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:

> Jim Baker writes:
>  > We should keep the most heavily accessed object type in Python as
>  > lightweight as possible, and then build interesting structures around
> it,
>  > just like we always do.
> +1
> But we're not talking about the dict itself in this subthread.  We're
> talking about views, and the implementation of comparing items
> containing non-hashable values for equality will be done in a view
> method which is already worst-case O(n), not a dict method.
> Note that the current implementation means that an equality comparison
> can raise, and that's a very bad thing.  If you look at the thread
> Inada-san cited a couple posts back, you'll see some very strong
> statements in support of the proposition that == should *never*
> raise.  I find that persuasive.
> I'm still against the implementation of "values view as sequence",
> since all the alleged use cases are of the form "maybe you'd want this
> someday for a really big dict so you don't want to listify so you can
> sort/index/etc."  Show me real code, preferably production (ie, used
> at work -- might even be a throwaway script) and I'll concede there's
> an argument.  But nothing abstract is gonna move me even one Planck
> unit from -1.  (That's just my opinion, as usual YMMV etc)
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