On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 01:59:06PM +0100, Jonathan Fine wrote:

> I wrote: Let's proceed. We continue to use d = Dummy(). Given that
>        >>> key = d[1, 2, 3, a=4, b=5]
> is allowed, what should we be able to say about the key. Clearly it should
> be an instance of a class and there should be a way of creating such an
> instance without going via d. Let's call the class K (for key).
> I'll now expand on this, as it's not clear to everyone that the key should
> be an instance of a class.

Of course it is clear that if `key` *exists at all*, then it will be an 
instance of a class, and furthermore that there will be ways to 
instantiate that class independently of subscript syntax.

This is fundamental to Python's design.

*If* it exists though. And I'm not convinced that there's any need for 
this K class, which seems to be analogous to slice(). Or at least, it 
needs to be justified, and not just assumed.

The alternative model is to treat subscripting analogously to function 
calls, and bind the arguments to parameters in the method. In that case, 
your "key" object won't even exist.

That's how slicing used to work, and there's no reason why we couldn't 
do the same thing in the future for any enhancement.

Before getting bogged down in the question of how to implement this, 
we ought to firstly establish what this is, and whether we need it.

Having read your posts repeatedly, I think it is safe to say that you 
are thinking along the lines of a something analogous to the slice() 
builtin. It might have made your explanation easier to understand if you 
had made that analogy explicit:

    # Current Python
    myobj[a:b:c] --> myobj.__getitem__(slice(a, b, c))

    # Proposed enhancement:

    myobj[a, b, c, spam=d, eggs=e] 
    --> myobj.__getitem__(lump(a, b, c, spam=d, eggs=e))
    # and similar for assignment and deletion

where "lump" (for lack of a better name) is a helper object analogous to 
"slice", but accepting arbitrary positional and keyword arguments.

(Note: to be precise, dunder methods aren't looked up on the instance 
themselves, but on the class. But as shorthand, I'll continue to pretend 

As Paul says, this is pretty obvious stuff so far. Also obvious is that 
we can define our own "lump" class and experiment with it:

    # Much like your Dummy class.
    class lump:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.args = args
            self.kwargs = kwargs

In your `myobj.__getitem__` method, we can handle the "lump":

    # myobj's class
    def __getitem__(self, item):

which is enough for experimentation. You can even alias `K=lump` if you 
prefer :-)

Some additional issues:

For getters, why not just make the object callable and write 
`myobj(spam=1)`? We need to justify the use of square brackets.

For setters, if we're going to change the syntax to allow keywords in 
subscripts, perhaps it is better/easier to just allow function calls on 
the left hand side of assignments? We need to consider why we are doing 
this, what we hope to do, and whether square or round brackets are 

For both: there are serious backwards compatibility concerns regarding 
the use of multiple parameters, since they are currently legal and bound 
up in a tuple argument:

    # Current Python
    myobj[1, 2]  # calls __getitem__ with a single tuple argument (1, 2)

    # How to distinguish the above from this?
    myobj[1, 2]  # call __getitem__ with two int arguments?

However, there is no such concern regarding keyword arguments.

> So far I know, every Python object that is accessible to the Python user is
> an instance of a class (or type).

Correct. Even type itself is an instance of itself.

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