+1. I imagine I would use this fairly often, particularly in debugging or
interactive sessions. It goes well with the magic `=` in f-strings, e.g.

It's more useful than the others because the manual way requires an import.

It's easy to learn, easy to remember, and fits naturally with the rest.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 6:43 AM Charles Machalow <csm10...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right now in str.format(), we have !s, !r, and !a to allow us to call
> str(), repr(), and ascii() respectively on the given expression.
> I'm proposing that we add a !p conversion to have pprint.pformat() be
> called to convert the given expression to a 'pretty' string.
> Calling
> ```
> print(f"My dict: {d!p}")
> ```
> is a lot more concise than:
> ```
> import pprint
> print(f"My dict: {pprint.pformat(d)}")
> ```
> We may even be able to have a static attribute stored to change the
> various default kwargs of pprint.pformat().
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