On 21/07/2020 19:54, Alex Hall wrote:
It should do the import for you. As was proposed:

print(f"My dict: {d!p}")

should be equivalent to

import pprint
print(f"My dict: {pprint.pformat(d)}")
You're right, I didn't read it carefully enough.

The import should happen in the same scope. Modifying the global namespace could be confusing.
You're right again.  It could still break code like this:

from pprint import pprint
def myfunc():
    # Code modified to use !p here
    pprint(something) # Oops, pprint is now a module, not a function

unless the import could actually be local to the f-string itself, not the surrounding scope (perhaps similar to the way a list comprehension is implemented as a function with its own scope).

I don't totally understand these matters, so I may have got something wrong.
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