On Fri, 24 Jul 2020 at 16:15, Gábor Bernát <jokerjoke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I'd like to bring to your attention 
> https://bugs.python.org/issue41383. The core idea here is per Elizaveta 
> Shashkova:
> I would like to have a lazy repr evaluation for the objects! Sometimes users 
> have many really large objects, and when debugger is trying to show them in 
> Variables View (=show their string representation) it can takes a lot of 
> time. We do some tricks, but they not always work. It would be really-really 
> cool to have parameter in repr, which defines max number of symbols we want 
> to evaluate during repr for this object.
> Maybe repr is not the best here, because that should be interpreter 
> meaningful, but instead the __str__ method that's better for this. Maybe we 
> could pass in an optional limit argument to these methods, so that the user 
> can decide what to print depending on how many characters he has left?
> Any takes, better ideas how we could help this problem?

Why not just use a custom function for this? I don't understand why
this has to be coupled to repr, or indeed to anything that's special
to the repr.

The debugger (presumably a custom application) could call a custom
function to generate the string representation, and that function
could have any API it wants. The default implementation of the
function (functools.singledispatch seems like it would be ideal for
this) could just call repr, so that objects that don't need special
treatment would use repr.

This doesn't seem like it's something that should need language support at all.

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