Rob Cliffe via Python-ideas writes:
 > Steven d'Aprano wrote:

 > > You don't have to agree with Serhiy's preference to recognise that there
 > > are cases where this proposal will save no lines of code. And probably
 > > not rare cases -- I expect that they will be much more common than the
 > > short examples you quote:
 > >
 > >> If you read the PEP you will find plenty of short examples:
 > >>
 > >>   process(dic[key] except KeyError: None)
 > >>   value = (lst[2] except IndexError: "No value")
 > >>   cond = (args[1] except IndexError: None)
 > >>   pwd = (os.getcwd() except OSError: None)
 > >>   e.widget = (self._nametowidget(W) except KeyError: W)
 > >>   line = (readline() except StopIteration: '')
 > >> etc.
 > > The first is a poor example because that can so easily be written as:
 > >
 > >      process(dic.get(key))

I disagree with Steven here to the extent that one purpose of the PEP
is to provide a common idiom that allows us to express this *without*
proliferating methods like dict.get.  I hope he will unpack this by
arguing "d.get(k)" is *better* than "(d[k] except KeyError: None)".
Given my present understanding of the situation, I would be perfectly
happy with an outcome where methods like dict.get were deprecated (as
a matter of style and TOOWTDI, I don't mean DeprecationWarning) in
favor of the uniform except-clause syntax, unless there's a reason
this syntax is *bad*.  There are many times I choose to split a long
if-else expression across lines, and others where I choose the
statement form, and of course I use "x or default" instead of "x if x
else default".  I see no reason why this construct wouldn't "work" the
same way, although it might be much less common (then again, it might
be *more* common than if-else expressions).

The kind of anti-except-expression argument I have in mind can be
exemplified using the fourth example:

    pwd = (os.getcwd() except OSError: None)

where I would find the argument that this really is an environmental
condition that probably shouldn't be papered over with "pwd=None" in
almost all contexts, and therefore should be emphasized with a try
*statement*, pretty plausible.  But that might be a style argument
("use 'try', not 'except' expressions when the Error indicates a
broken environment rather than an uncommon but reasonable state"),
rather than an argument that we *should not* unify these usages with a
single idiom.

Interestingly, Steven takes the opposite position:

 > > The fourth example of os.getcwd is excellent.

I just don't know.  "Infinite are the arguments of mages." ;-)

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