Thank you, Guido, for your interest in this discussion.

You wrote:

> So __keyfn__ has literally only two allowed values, None and True.

That's my proposal, for now. I'm happy for further allowed values to be
added via another PEP. In fact, that is my preference.

You also wrote:

> Could you just start over? And explain the name? And why it can't be
> False/True?

    >>> d[1, 2] = 'val'
    >>> d.__setitem__((1,2), 'val')

Here I call (1, 2) the key. As in
    def __setitem__(key, val):
        # set the value

The passage
    >>> d[1, 2] = 'val'
    >>> d.__setitem__((1,2), 'val')
goes via tuple. If tuple didn't already exist, we'd have to invent it. And
so here tuple is what I call "the key function".

The key function is the function that is the intermediary between
    >>> d[EXPRESSION]
    >>> d.__getitem__(key)

When there is a key function, the signatures are
    __setitem__(key, val)

So we're allowed to have
    class A:
        __keyfn__ = None
        def __setitem__(self, val, a, b, c d):
            # set the value

Recall that dict has, implicitly, a way of getting a key from permitted
arguments. The meaning of
    class B:
         __keyfn__ = True
        def __getitem__(key):
            # Get the value
is that the key is produced by exactly the same method as in dict.

The meaning of
    __keyfunc__ = True
is "produce a key from the arguments, in exactly the same way as in dict".
Or in other words, "Yes, it's True. We do have a keyfn. Use the default,
dict, keyfn."

I think (None, True) works better than (False, True). This is because a
further PEP might allow the user to supply a custom keyfn. So while it is
at this time a binary choice, there might be further choices in future.

> Can you explain (in words or with examples) what happens in each case? You
> were so excited to show off one case that you never showed how the other
> case would work

How about:

    class A:
        __keyfn__ = None
        def __setitem__(self, val, x=0, y=0, z=0):
            print((val, x, y, z))

    >>> a = A()
    >>> a[1, z=2] = 'hello'
    ('hello', 1, 0, 2)

[Above copied from

And also

    class C:
        __keyfn__ = True
        def __setitem__(self, *argv, **kwargs):
            print(f'argv={argv} | kwargs={kwargs}')

    >>> c = C()

    >>> c[1] = 'val'
    argv=(1, 'val') | kwargs={}
    >>> c[1, 2] = 'val'
    argv=((1, 2), 'val') | kwargs={}

    >>> c[a=1] = 'val'
    TypeError: __keyfn__ got unexpected keyword argument 'a'

[Above copied from

I hope this helps.

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