"from foo import *" is a really lazy programming practice that assumes there are no symbol clashes between the module's namespace and the current namespace.  It makes production code harder to maintain because the reader has to figure out whether a given function or class name is defined in the current namespace or merely mapped there from another module for convenience.

I know it is common in tutorials (especially C++ tutorials mapping 'std' into global) to make example code shorter and somehow easier to read (especially in books).  Unfortunately, the reason namespaces exist is rarely emphasized, which gives the impression that it is a common acceptable practice.  Everyplace I have worked has had the hard rule that modules are never mapped into the global namespace in production code (for both C++ and Python).

Restricting symbols in the global namespace to prevent clashes in module namespaces seems like backward reasoning to accommodate bad practices.  The fact that pylab takes care to allow mapping all of the numpy symbols into its namespace to make pylab a super namespace of the two has nothing to do with mapping the symbols into the global namespace.


On 9/4/20 3:30 PM, Todd wrote:
On Fri, Sep 4, 2020, 12:48 Cade Brown <brown.c...@gmail.com <mailto:brown.c...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I am positing that Python should contain a constant (similar to
    True, False, None), called Infinity.

    It would be equivalent to `float('inf')`, i.e. a floating point
    value representing a non-fininte value. It would be the positive
    constant; negative infinity could retrieved via `-Infinity`

    Or, to keep float representation the same, the name `inf` could be
    used, but that does not fit Python's normal choice for such
    identifiers (but indeed, this is what C uses which is the desired
    behavior of string conversion)

    I think there are a number of good reasons for this constant. For
      * It is also a fundamental constant (similar to True, False, and
    None), and should be representable as such in the language
      * Requiring a cast from float to string is messy, and also
    obviously less efficient (but this performance difference is
    likely insignificant)
          * Further, having a function call for something that should
    be a constant is a code-smell; in general str -> float conversion
    may throw an error or anything else and I'd rather not worry about
      * It would make the useful property that `eval(repr(x)) == x`
    for floating point numbers (currently, `NameError: name 'inf' is
    not defined`)

    This makes it difficult to, for example, naively serialize a list
    of floats. For example:

    >>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> repr(x)
    '[1, 2, 3, 4]'
    >>> eval(repr(x)) == x
    >>> x = [1, 2, 3, float('inf')]
    >>> repr(x)
    '[1, 2, 3, inf]'
    >>> eval(repr(x)) == x
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    NameError: name 'inf' is not defined

    To me, this is problematic; I would expect it to work seamlessly
    as it does with other floating point constants.

    A few rebuttals/claims against:
      - Creating a new constant (Infinity) which is unassignable may
    break existing code

It will break an ENORMOUS amount of code.  Numpy has its own top-level "inf" variable.  So all code that uses "from numpy import *" will break.  Pylab imports numpy in that way, so "from pylab import *" will also break.  Whether you think this is a good approach or not, a ton of tutorials recommend doing this.  All of those tutorials will break in a way that is very hard to fix.

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