On Fri, Oct 16, 2020, 10:43 PM Steven D'Aprano

> > What manner of savages run a terminal without a multiplexer? :-)

I understand using screen or tmux when ssh'ing into a remote machine, but
> what advantage are they when you are using the local machine via a GUI?

It was definitely persistent SSH sessions that first got me hooked on
screen, later tmux. I've played around with mosh, but it hasn't entirely
played nice with other aspects of my workflow.

But even purely locally, tmux lets me nohup services (e.g. a flask server
I'm working on) without them dying if terminal closes. Reattaching to the
window the server runs in is simple. And with tmux- resurrect, I can
save/restore the state of the panes I use on restart. A resurrect even
relaunches some applications like htop and vim, and at least puts panes in
the saved PWD if not.

All that said, the folks who want a beginner friendly os.clear() are
probably not ones who tweak tmux plugins and key bindings.
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