On 2020-12-28 23:33, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
The thing is, this is a destructive capability.  In some cases it only
clears the "screen" (whatever that means), which may cost you some
diagnostics.  Probably (but not always) you can recreate them by
repeating a command from history.  But in some cases it also clears
the scrollback buffer.  That makes it kinda hard to figure out what's
going on unless you know what's going on.

I don't need it ever and I don't hit Ctrl-L accidentally, so I'm =0 on
adding the feature.  But it's something that needs some care in

Well, the time to push back on the feature was in the mid 1970s. Today, if you're at a command prompt or repl, there's a very high chance the feature already exists, with few exceptions. Consistency in UI is still a goal though it has taken a beating the last few years.

Also, I'd argue the likelihood of a newbie clearing important work, or an expert making a significant mistake in this manner is not very high. The readline (or equivalent) configuration can mitigate the latter if need be.

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