On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 02:20:05PM -0800, Brendan Barnwell wrote:

>       So, to give an example, the iterator protocol should be documented 
> right where the `for` statement is documented, and it should be 
> explicitly framed as "this is the definition of what the `for` statement 
> does", not something separate.

Hmmm, that's going to be a bit confusing for people who want to 
understand iter() and next() but don't care about for loops directly.

> The unpacking "protocol" (or whatever we 
> call it) should be documented right where function call syntax is 
> documented.

That's going to be a bit obscure for people who want to understand 

    a, b, *extras, z = values

>  __getitem__ should be documented right where the [] syntax 
> is documented. 

That's a bit confusing for people who know the method name but don't 
know what syntax uses it. And its a lot confusing for people who just 
want to know what subscripting means but don't care about the dunder 
methods used to implement it.

> The descriptor protocol should be documented right where 
> attribute access syntax is documented.

And that's quite hostile to those who want a simple high-level overview 
of what attribute access does without having a low-level and very 
advanced feature, descriptors, shoved down their throat.

Brendan, I applaud your zeal in wanting to fix the Python docs, but 
things which are no-brainer improvements to *you* will be no-brainer 
regressions to others.

In particular, the Python docs aren't a dead-tree book, they are a 
hypertext document. There's no need to have features documented "right 
where" related features are documented, because that leads to needing 
everything documented in one place:

- subscripting `[]` needs to have mappings and sequences documented 
  right there;

- mappings need to have hash documented right there;

- sequences need to have integers and the `__index__` dunder documented 
  right there

- integers need to have the numeric tower documented right there

- which needs ABCs to be documented right there

and because everything in Python is connected to everything else, the 
entire language and std lib needs to be on one page.

I totally agree with you that the connections between features, and 
detailed information about protocols and dunders can sometimes be hard 
to find, but I think that the solution is not a complete redesign of the 
docs, but more hyperlinks and See Alsos.

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