I am not that familiar with asyncio either. I only wrote a few utility scripts 
that runs concurrent subprocesses mixed with some blocking functions running in 
concurrent.ProcessPoolExecutor pool (using asyncio.run_in_executor). That is 
all what I did with regard asyncio. Your function f2 and my function f2 could 
be actually normal functions.
f2 = (x, y) => asyncio.sleep(x + y). f2(3, 7) will just return a coroutine that 
can be awaited on just fine. To be honest, i don’t even know what the purpose 
would be with async lambda unless someone with more experience can give us a 
use case. My guess is that it may be useful to use it as an argument to another 
async function. 

Since we can write shortened normal functions (lambda), shortened generator 
function (lambda with generator expression), people might ask why Python 
doesn’t have shortened async function? But maybe that is not a good question to 
begin with? 
Lambda reminds me of the half life time of isotopes. The other day, I was 
struggling to teach this to my cousin in elementary school. I just told him to 
imagine it like def _(args): return something. Assign it to a variable and that 
variable replaces the underscore. He got it but he found it weird. 
Sent from my iPhone

> On 12 Feb 2021, at 1:41 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure what the use cases would be for an async lambda - the key
> is that it's not named, so the above isn't a good example as it's just
> as easy to write
> async def f2:
>    return asyncio.sleep(x+y)
> (Excuse any errors here, I'm not that familiar with asyncio).
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